What is money?
Possibly money is dots on a computer screen?
What do I mean by that?
I mean I have money, and I like to spend money, but if I want to make money I have always believed I need to have it invested in something that will make the money while I do nothing. This is an interesting concept. For myself I have always chosen property. I feel this is a safe investment, and the purchase price will double every ten years. Being fortunate to receive a rental return on the investment can be another bonus. I also think to transfer money between countries is a fairy safe way of making money. The way the English £ has fluctiorated in recent years in the region of 40% between other currencies is amazing.
Anyway that's why I define money as dots on a computer screen. The privalige of having money in the pocket to purchase materialistic possessions is great, but in my opinion it should never be a substitute for quality time with family.
i noted recently I had a day out in London with the family and we visited many local attractions and got through a considerable about of money and I do mean a considerable amount of money. But the next day we did what I wanted to do and visited the " Tate" " The National" and " Portrait" gallery, we watched the street theatre, pickneted in St Jamses Park and marveled at the wild life , we also made a lovely movie as we walked around China Town, and Trafalger Square. This cost very little, and we all preferred the day.
But I agree life is more pleasurable when we have money to spend, and although my wife thinks the I money spend with my boy supporting our football team extravagant, I think the money she spends on her beauty treatment and dining out extravegent. Neither would deny each other this extravegence, it's simply nice that we appreciate how lucky we are when so many in the world simply by being born in other lands don't have this opportunity.
I have noted my wife gets a lot of satisfaction with her voluntarily work with the poor on Sunday, and I get a lot of happiness that she is now doing this than attending meetings at the K.H.
Anyway, I hope each poster has adequate money to be a little extravegent, and if you are fortunate to have a lump sum I would always advise investing it on a deposit for a property, or paying off the mortgage. This will allow you to have more spendable money and less stress in the future.
The Rebel.